
The 1001 Questions that Women in the Workplace Frequently Hear, See How the Superwomen of VINNO Answer.
March 09-2018


In the early spring job hunting season VINNO has welcomed many new faces. The ladies were pulled into a WeChat group by an old employee: VINNO’s Little Bees --- the gathering place for female employees. At the workplace everyone inevitably encounters difficulties and questions. Below let’s see how these “superwomen” answered. 


Someone asked: Can a woman be good at doing algorithms?

Marry: Senior Ultrasound Systems Engineer

“The orientation weighted median filter based ultrasound image processing method and the frame based ultrasound image processing method and system are both my inventions, which I have patents for.”


Someone asked: Isn’t it tedious repeating the same operation over a hundred times each day?

Clare: Software Testing Engineer

Some bugs can be hidden for long periods of time before they surface. Only through repeated testing is there a chance to catch them.


Someone asked: Do products made in China lack originality? 

Denny: Senior Product Manager, May: Software Testing Engineer 

VINNO has independently researched and developed 6 advanced ultrasound technologies that have closely adhered to user needs and overturned industry traditions. 


Someone asked: Can’t an image that simple be fixed in no time?

Wendy: Senior Graphic Designer

The image has to have abundant strength and also an exquisite look. Every detail is related to the fate of the product.”


Someone asked: Doesn’t the lady in finance just collect receipts?

Pretty: Senior Financial Assistant 

Ive coordinated in the completion of national project applications that have been awarded government subsidies. Time was limited. Standards were high. The data was detailed. It wasnt easy.”


Someone asked: I’ve never used a new Chinese brand. Can it get the job done? 

Sharon: Overseas Sales Manager, Jessica: Applied Physician 

Because we trust the quality of our brand we have the wherewithal to persuade the most rigorous expert.”


Someone asked: How can a small project be valued at 200 million RMB? 

Tianyuan: VINNO’s Joint Founder/Brand Director

“Chinese society currently has an aging population. Smart ultrasound is suitable for use in every household.” 


Sharon: Expanded the German Market

Won Best Salesperson Award

Marry has made contributions to ultrasound image technology

And applied for two national technology invention patents 

Clare won VINNOs Goddess Award

With the highest number of votes

Pretty successfully assisted multiple project applications

And won the Interdepartmental Support Award

Tianyuan has continued to innovate, created the VINNO brand,

And has been listed in Forbes 25 Women to Look Out For in the Chinese Business World in 2018


At VINNO there are still more outstanding superwomen that have helped create VINNOs unique ethos. On this special day lets give a hand for their innovation, tenacity, amicability, and compatibility! 

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